University Club


University Club, 1021 W Hastings St. Credit: Jessica Quan
Photo Credit: Jessica Quan


1021 W Hastings St, Vancouver BC





Protection & Recognition

  • M: Municipal Protection


This building was constructed in 1929 for the Quadra Club and purchased for the use of University Club in 1957. The original architects were Sharp and Thompson — a well known architectural firm in Vancouver founded in 1908. In 1961 the building was renovated, but in 2012, the MNP Tower was built on the site and only the façade was preserved.

The retained part of the building presents elements of Spanish Colonial Revival featuring a curved balcony and French doors. The main floor of the existing facade consists of painted ashlar stones while the upper floors have a mottled brown brick finishing.

In 2017, the University Club was awarded a City of Vancouver Heritage Award of Recognition recognizing the retention and detailed restoration of the facade.


Vancouver Heritage Inventory Phase II 1986 Summary Report, Exploring Vancouver The Architectural Guide by Harold Kalman & Robin Ward, Historic West Hastings Walking Tour Brochure (VHF)


University Club


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