1038 Hamilton St


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Grant Hutchinson


1038 Hamilton St, Vancouver BC




Mixed Use


This four-storey building was built in 1913 for Messrs Chatwin and Fremin as a factory/warehouse to the design of Braunton & Leibert, the architectural partnership of Hugh Braunton and John Grant Leibert.

1038 Hamilton Street shares a common wall with 1040 Hamilton Street. Although the two buildings were built at different times, the first occupant of both buildings was Columbia Paper Ltd. The company was located here until 1930.

1038 Hamilton Street’s front elevation faces Hamilton Street. The rear elevation faces Mainland and has a raised loading dock.

Yaletown, due to its close proximity to the CPR rail yards, was a convenient location for warehouses. Commercial offices now occupy the upper floors, and retail businesses at the street level.

This building represents the type of warehousing constructed in the area, and is a testament to the industrial origins of Yaletown.


Conservation Plan by Donald Luxton & Associates, revised March 2010


1038 Hamilton St


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