Fleming Residence


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Bob Hare


1074 Cardero St, Vancouver BC


West End




This wood-framed house is a good example of early West End housing. The house is a plain classical box with bay windows, a full front verandah, Tuscan columns and clapboard siding. The house is thought to have been built in 1908, and been one of two houses sitting on the same lot as shown by Goad’s 1912 fire insurance map. The occupant was Mrs. Kate Fleming, the widow of R. J. Fleming, is listed as the occupant from 1903-1920 in the Henderson's Greater Vancouver City Directory. Fleming, a businesswoman in the early days of the city, ran the Cardero Grocery (1706-1708 Cardero St) from 1902 until 1935.


Henderson's Greater Vancouver City Directory, City of Vancouver Heritage Register Files


Fleming Residence


Directions in Google Maps


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