Darling House


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Madeleine De Trenqualye


1090 Nicola St, Vancouver BC


West End



Protection & Recognition

  • M: Municipal Protection


The house at 1090 Nicola Street was built in 1905 by Francis and Frances Darling at a time when the West End was being developed with single family dwellings. Francis Darling is known for his association with Darling Brothers Ltd, an engineering equipment firm originally based in Montreal.

The building is a good example of the type of housing which appealed to upper-middle class immigrants of British ancestry prior to the First World War.

The building has been occupied by the Darling family until very recently.

The heritage building is valued for this and for its surviving Arts and Craft features, including unique five-over-one double hung wood windows, shingle cladding, cross gabled roof, arched open front verandah and decorative trims.


City of Vancouver


Darling House


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