110-116 E Pender St, Vancouver BC
Mixed Use
Protection & Recognition
- M: Municipal Protection
Built in 1907, the Freemason’s Building, is a modernist interpretation of a society building using a late Victorian structure as the base and altered in 1967 with the large arches and the inclusion of a balcony. Addresses associated at this building are 110, 112, and 116 E Pender. Retail at ground level and mixed use above.
This site is part of the Chinatown Historic Area, HA-1 in the City of Vancouver’s zoning bylaw. It is included in the Vancouver Heritage Register as a recognized part of the historic neighbourhood. Other similar municipally protected sites within a Historic Area are marked on the map with an O instead of the usual Heritage Register categories of A, B, or C. Some of these sites may be newer construction but are nonetheless still protected. For more information on the bylaw that governs the Chinatown Historic Area see: https://bylaws.vancouver.ca/zoning/zoning-by-law-district-schedule-ha-1-1a.pdf
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