1103 Pendrell St, Vancouver BC
West End
Catherine Costello was the first resident and owner of this house she had built in 1907. Catherine and her late husband Michael were some of the earliest Vancouver residents, arriving here before the great fire of 1886. Michael Costello was City of Vancouver Alderman in 1889 and 1890. He died in 1901. Catherine owned this house until her death in 1926 and after that ownership of the house appeared to pass to her niece Kate. The family continued to own the house into the late 1930s and possibly until after WWII.
The front vestibule has beautiful wood and chest-high wainscoting. There is a winding staircase. The house exterior was likely changed in the 1930. The front porch was enclosed and the entrance was changed. The house was then stuccoed over. The entire look would have been considered modern.
The house is painted in VHF True Colours: Body – Harris Green, Trim and Watertable – Edwardian Bufff, Sash – Gloss Black, Gable – Craftsman Brown, Deck and Stairs – Edwardian Porch Grey.
Blair Petrie, Mole Hill Community Housing Pamphlet and Mole Hill Living Heritage
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