1110 ButeSt, Vancouver BC
West End
VHF Restore It
Fire Plans from 1899 indicate there existed a single 2-storey house on this lot, facing Pendrell St. with an outbuilding near the laneway. The original building, erected in 1893, is absent from subsequent plans and is presumed to have be razed or moved to 1104 Bute St. to accommodate the three buildings urrently standing. The house you see today was built in 1908, and according to City records, 1110 Bute St. was refurbished during the 1940’s, potentially to accommodate the post-war boom.
Percy N. Smith, the president of the B.C. leather company, owned the lot and subsequently developed the site, including 1116 and 1122 Bute St. The first tenant at 1110 Bute was Edward J. Cole in 1909. Cole was the secretary treasurer at the steamship agent Greer, Courtney, and Skene. By 1913 F.K.J Fetherstonhaugh, a salesman for the Remington Typewriter Company, was in residence. Shortly thereafter, Mary Nicol Will in 1914 and then a Mrs. Ada L. Bush in 1918.
Much like the adjacent homes, 1110 Bute Street is an excellent example of the Edwardian Builder style of architecture with large open front porch, large top storey gable and symmetrical double bay windows on the second floor.
The original clapboard exterior remains. Of note is the scroll work brackets on the square porch columns. With help from VHF, the home’s interior and exterior have been restored, including the addition of heritage colours to the exterior. The building now accommodates 7 units.
This house is painted in VHF True Colours: Body – Bute Taupe, Trim – Dunbar Buff, Watertable – Bute Taupe, Sash – Gloss Black, Gables – Craftsman Brown, Deck and Stairs – Edwardian Porch Grey .
Blair Petrie, "Mole Hill Living"; Michael Kluckner & John Atkin, "Heritage Walks Around Vancouver".
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