Watson House


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Madeleine de Trenqualye


1125 Pendrell St, Vancouver BC


West End




Watson House was built in 1897 by James Gillott, and the first owner was Reverend Cloverdale Watson. Watson House is a typical Vancouver house of the Victorian era.

The house originally stood at 909 Thurlow Street and was moved to this location by the City in 1989.

In 1986, the house was donated by Kristoff Josef Kucera to the City of Vancouver for a dollar, to save it from demolition and on condition that it be moved to a permanent location.

This house is painted in VHF True Colours: Body – Pendrell Verdigris, Trim and Watertable – Pendrell Green, Sash – Gloss Black, Gables – Pendrell Red, Deck and Stairs – Edwardian Porch Grey.


Blair Petrie, Mole Hill Living Heritage and plaque on the house


Watson House


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