Lord Admiral Seymour School #1


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Christine Leviczky Riek


1130 Keefer St, Vancouver BC






The rapidly expanding population in Strathcona at the turn of the century necessitated the construction of a number of large schools in the area.

This 1900 large wooden structure by E.A. Whitehead has the distinction of being the oldest wooden school building in Vancouver. It features a prominent roofline, corbelled brick chimney, and the use of ornamentation derived from classical motifs.

In conjunction with Seymour School #2 it provides a strong focus for the Kiwassa neighbourhood.

Lord Admiral Seymour is considered to be high risk in an earth quake event. Vancouver School Board is deciding whether the school should be closed due to seismic risk. The school is listed as a future priority on the BC government’s Seismic Mitigation Plan.

Please check out the archival photographs in the Gallery section of this page.


Heritage Inventory Summary Report 1986 Phase II, BC Seismic Mitigation Program Progress Report, VSB


Lord Admiral Seymour School #1


Directions in Google Maps


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