1136 Comox Street


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Bob Hare


1136 Comox St, Vancouver BC


West End




This house was built in 1907 by Peter Agren, who was the first owner. Agren also built Washington Court at 998 Thurlow. Like most other homeowners in Mole Hill at the time, Agren had lodgers. One tenant was James Thomas Williams, a clerk.

The house is essentially identical to 1140 Comox, although there are differences in the detailing, brackets, placing of pillars etc. 1136 is notable for the amount of exposed original woodwork inside, its stained glass and its original upstairs watercloset.

This house is painted in VHF’s True Colours: Body – Hastings Red, Trim and Watertable – Edwardian Buff, Sash – Gloss Black, Deck and Stairs – Edwardian Porch Grey.


Blair Petrie, Mole Hill Living Heritage


1136 Comox Street


Directions in Google Maps


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