Antsie House


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Bob Hare


1146 Comox St, Vancouver BC


West End




This house was built around 1904. Henry Anstie, a jeweler, with his wife Kathleen and their children, were the original owners and residents. The Anstie family continued to live here until 1939.

With its hexagonal turret, hipped roof and bell-cast eaves, finely detailed interior trim, casings and stairs, this house is a fine example of middle class housing of its period. Before restoration, this house was not considered to be heritage as the exterior was covered in stucco and the front porch had been removed.

This house is painted in VHF True Colours: Body – Strathcona Mahogany, Trim – Dunbar Buff, Watertable – Strathcona Mahogany, Sash – Gloss Black, Deck and stairs – Edwardian Porch Grey


Blair Petrie, Mole Hill Living Heritage


Antsie House


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