Paterson House


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Rick Horne


1157 Pendrell St, Vancouver BC


West End




VHF's Restore It!


This house was built in 1899 by Alex Bethune, who also built 1159, 1163, 1169 Pendrell at the same time. The first resident was Adonira Judson Paterson, a clerk with the CPR, and later George H. Haskins, of Haskins and Eliot; William G. Chittenden, a CPR telegraph operator; John H. Fox, veterinary surgeon. In the 1940s, front and rear sections were added on, most likely for a rooming house. The original house remained intact in the middle.

This house is painted in VHF True Colours: Body – Pendrell Verdigris, Trim – Pendrell Green, Sash – Hastings Red, Gable – Pendrell Red, Deck and stairs – Edwardian Porch Grey. It received a Restore It Grant in 2003 for the restoration of lost Victorian detailing.


Blair Petrie, Mole Hill Living Heritage


Paterson House


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