1159 Pendrell St, Vancouver BC
Mole Hill
VHF True Colours
1159 Pendrell Street is a residential house that is part of Mole Hill. Mole Hill is the oldest and most fully restored square block of heritage houses in the City of Vancouver. The block is framed by Thurlow, Pendrell, Bute, and Comox streets. Through the advocacy work of residents, buildings in the area were restored and now provide affordable rental housing for low and moderate-income individuals and families.
1159 Pendrell Street is one of five Victorian houses (1157, 1159, 1163, 1169, and 1173 Pendrell Street) built by Alex Bethune 1898 and 1899. Born in 1852 in Peterborough, Ontario, Bethune explore many different businesses from hardware, lumber, boots, and shoes. Arriving in 1891, Bethune got involved in building and contracting. He went on to become the mayor of Vancouver in 1907.
The houses built by Bethune have classic Victorian features including steep-pitched roofs, asymmetrical façades, half-porches, and elaborate fretwork braces on porches and bays.
This house is painted in VHF True Colours: Body – Pendrell Verdigris, Trim – Pendrell Green, Sash – Hastings Red, Gable – Pendrell Red, Deck and stairs – Edwardian Porch Grey.
Mole Hill was a stop of the Vancouver Heritage Foundations 2018 West End Heritage Tour.
Tara Padidar, VHF Files, British Columbia Directories 1860-1955
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