Ramsay House


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Bob Hare


1196 W 59th Ave, Vancouver BC





Protection & Recognition

  • M: Municipal Protection


‘The Ramsay Residence’ is valued as one of the surviving early estate houses in the Marpole neighbourhood, which was first settled by Europeans in the 1860s. Built in 1913, it is associated with James Ramsay who lived in it from its construction until his death in 1935.

Mr. Ramsay (who emigrated from Scotland) was a local businessman, City Alderman, Liberal MLA for Vancouver Centre, chair of the Vancouver School Board and Vancouver General Hospital, president of the YMCA, and a long time member of the Vancouver Board of Trade.

In 1937 the Children’s Aid Society purchased the house and operated a children’s welfare house and orphanage in the building, naming it the ‘Alexandra Cottage’. In 2004, the building was converted back to a single family house.


City of Vancouver


Ramsay House


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