1245 Park Dr


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Anjela Godber


1245 Park Dr, Vancouver BC






This Early Cottage house was likely built around 1912 though it does not show up on the 1912 Goad’s Fire Insurance Map, a historical map of city lots in Vancouver. The house is in Point Grey which at the time the house was built was a separate municipality from Vancouver. On the next block is another heritage house at 1105 Park Dr. that was built in May 1912 and it is possible that 1245 Park Dr. was built later in the year after the Goad’s Fire Insurance Map was created. By the mid-century, the sparse area shown in historical maps grew full with many of the current houses being built by then.

The Heritage Vancouver historical permits database, while not including permits for Point Grey in the time period in which the home was built, does contain building permits for the addition of a garage on the site in 1921 and a subsequent addition in 1928. The owner at the time of the earlier addition was George Sanderson, of whom not much is known, and who sold the house in 1928. The 1928 owner was a consulting engineer named Edward R. Taylor who returned to the house in 1935 after living a few years elsewhere and brought along his wife, Rose J. In 1953, the owner of the house was Harvey E. Roberts, a salesman at General Foods, along with his wife Ruby.

Park Drive used to be known as Buckberry Drive, after a man named Ed Buckberry, but it was renamed to Park Drive in 1914, only a few years after this house was built. This house is a good example of Early Cottage style with its bay windows, clapboard siding, hipped dormer, front stairs, hipped roof, and porch.


British Columbia City Directories 1860-1955, VanMap, Heritage Vancouver Building Permits Database, VHF’s House Style Webtool, Elizabeth Walker: Street Names of Vancouver


1245 Park Dr


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