Lee Association Building


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: roaming-the-planet


127-133 E Pender St, Vancouver BC





Protection & Recognition

  • M: Municipal Protection


This heritage site is restored facade with a modern structure behind. The original structure, built in 1907-1908 was severely damaged by fire in 1972.

The restored façade with recessed balconies still continues to be an excellent example of Chinatown’s distinctive architectural style. As many buildings along Pender Street, the building was used by number of trade companies, retail stores, restaurants, and clan associations.

The building also has connection with prominent Chinese businessman, Ron Bick Lee. He opened the Foo Hung Company in this building in 1921. With his flourishing business, he expanded into the greenhouse business, and operated the Grandview Greenhouse on 50 acres in East Vancouver during the Depression. Lee was actively involved in the community through different associations, including the Chinese Public School, the Lee Association, Chinatown Lion’s Club and the Toi San Benevolent Society.


Canada's Historic Places


Lee Association Building


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