Roth-Calogero House


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Donato Calogero


1358 Graveley St, Vancouver BC






This house was built in the Craftsman style for Longshoreman Albert Roth in the community of Grandview-Woodland in 1926. A ‘Vancouver Special’ of its time, Home Builders and Decorators (AR Miller and FE Wood building contractors) constructed the house with Craftsman defining elements such as a front gable with a secondary gable over the entry porch, knee brackets, open soffit, alternating bands of narrow and wide shingle cladding, lap siding on the lower level and a front tripartite window with muntins in the upper sashes.

Albert’s wife Florence, who played piano for silent movies at the Orpheum, sold the house to Rocco Calogero in 1966. Rocco, who immigrated to Canada from Italy, added the ‘cantina’ or cellar to the front which was used to store wine and vegetables grown in the rear garden.

The Calogero family still own the house, second to the Roths.


Donato Calogero


Roth-Calogero House


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