Mah Society


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Gina Gverster


137-139 E Pender St, Vancouver BC





Protection & Recognition

  • M: Municipal Protection


The Mah society was informally established in Vancouver in 1919 and purchased its building two years after. Constructed in 1913, it has retail space at grade, and 3 floors for 39 rental rooms above. Like other successful clan associations, the Mahs used rental income to finance most of their operations. Unlike others however, it rented out to non-members as well as members. Because it housed both North American headquarters as well as a local branch, an additional floor to accommodate a meeting hall was added in 1921.

Its recessed balcony is the only reminder of an elaborate traditional Chinese design. The additional story, which bears the Society’s name at the top, also increased the status of the building by making it the tallest on the block. In recent years the Mah Society has undertaken new activities, the most notable of these being the sports club.

In 2017, the Mah Society Building was awarded a City of Vancouver People’s Choice Award. The hybrid Chinese-Western styled building underwent exterior and structural repairs and vital system upgrades. The Mah Society is one of the Chinese societies which have offered social programs for over a century, critical to the cultural legacy of Chinatown, while providing affordable housing for low-income residents. Its retention is important for the neighbourhood’s urban fabric, displaying community leadership in the ongoing revitalization of Chinatown.


Canada's Historic Places, VHF's Chinatown Map Guide, City of Vancouver 2017 Heritage Award Winners


Mah Society


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