140 W 10th Ave


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Ryan Jones


140 W 10th Ave, Vancouver BC


Mount Pleasant



Protection & Recognition

  • M: Municipal Protection


This Edwardian style house with its heavy porch, brachets, dentils, and shingle glad gable envelope was built in 1911 by local builder C. McDonald.

140 West 10th Avenue first appears in city directories in 1912, with William A. Rutherford listed as the resident. Rutherford lived at the house from 1912-1913. From 1914 to 1920 Richmond Wilson was the resident. From 1921 to 1950, Frederick Welsh (a grocer and briefly president of F W Welsh and Co produce) lived at the house.

Over the years, 140 West 10th Avenue has served as a location for various charity functions such as strawberry teas. During the early 1970s it served as the Zen Centre of Vancouver and was restored for residential use in 1980 by the Davis Family.

The house is a recipient of a City of Vancouver Heritage Plaque.


City of Vancouver, Vancouver Building Permits, British Columbia City Directories 1865-1955


140 W 10th Ave


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