1448 Comox St, Vancouver BC
West End
Built in 1912, the house at 1448 Comox Street underwent alterations in 1912 as commisioned by the homeowner, George A. Campbell. Campbell was an architect and builder who worked for Glover Lloyd. It’s possible that the house was a rental, as city directories for 1912 show that the occupant was Walter H. Carnew, who worked in real estate. Purchasing in 2003, the current owner converted the interior to a duplex. The two full suites, now separately owned, have added modern family-friendly accommodation within the century old house.
This house has dentils above the front window and front door. There is a bay window on the second storey. When the house was first listed on the Heritage Register, the upper shingles were covered with asbestos. Current views of the house show that it has been renovated / restored to a more original condition.
Apartment buildings and the conversion of larger homes to multiple suites started in the early 20th century in the neighbourhood and has become a defining feature of the area. The mix of housing types and scale of building can be seen well here, with historic house converted to suites, neighbouring denser infill development (modern), and various sized apartment buildings.
The house was a stop on VHF’s 2018 West End Heritage Tour.
Henderson's Greater Vancouver City Directory, Historical Building Permits Online Database, City of Vancouver Heritage Register Files, VHF West End Heritage Tour Ticket
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