1523-1525 Victoria Dr, Vancouver BC
Along with 1527, 1537, and 1541, 1523-1525 Victoria Drive was built in 1911 by James E. Guinett. 1865 Graveley Street may have also been built at this time. 1525 Victoria drive first appears in city directories in 1912 with Thomas Mighton listed as the resident. Mighton, a labourer, lived at the house until 1913. Afterwards, the house saw numerous residents including a painter, a tailor, an engineer, and a president of a fishery. The first long term residents were Richard (a receiver for the Hudson Bay Company) and Eliza Yates. Richard and Eliza lived at the house from 1928 until 1939.
1523-1525 Victoria Drive is an example of the Edwardian style of houses. Edwardian houses are 1-1/2 storey with a very steep-pitched front-gabled roof above an integral porch and (typically) saddle-bag dormers. The style began and ended with the Edwardian Era (c. 1901-1913) and was particularly popular in Vancouver. Simpler in form and detailing than the Victorian styles, their steep gabled roof allowed for additional living space above the main floor, making them a practical choice for family homes throughout Vancouver at the time.
Vancouver Building Permits, British Columbia City Directories 1860-1955, VanMapp, HSF House Styles Hub
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