Crosby House


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Anjela Godber


1529 W 33rd Ave, Vancouver BC





Protection & Recognition

  • M: Municipal Protection


The Crosby House is on the Vancouver Heritage Register as a B-listing. It was completed in 1937 by architect Robert Berwick, one of his first professional commissions, for his mother-in-law, Isabelle Crosby. Berwick went on to work with prominent local architects Sharp and Thompson, and became partners with Ned Pratt to lead the firm into a new direction into more modern architecture.

The house is a significant rare example in Vancouver of early modernist residential architecture which coincided with the ending of the Depression. Its design features cubic proportions, planar expression of wall surfaces in the form of concrete block and corner windows.

It represents the further development of Second Shaughnessy between the two world wars. Berwick’s innovative design was featured in the Journal of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada in 1939.


Canada's Historic Places


Crosby House


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