M.P. Cotton House


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Kelly Borget


1537 Matthews Ave, Vancouver BC





Protection & Recognition

  • M: Municipal Protection


Built in 1913, this is the house of Miles P.Cotton, owner of the firm that had cleared and developed First Shaughnessy for the CPR. Upon close inspection, it is possible to see that the main floor of 1537 Matthews is comprised of a variety of different rocks, some local, others from afar. It is thought that the CPR loaded the rubble created by blasting in the Rockies and carried it on to Vancouver for use in project centers such as “The Bunkers”. It is more than likely that this accounts for the geological mix present on the house, and is a testament to the level of influence that the CPR had on the development of this neighbourhood. While the house has not been attributed to any specific architect, it is interesting to note that the magnificent front hall bears a striking resemblance to two of Samuel Maclure’s designs in Victoria. It is believed that sometime shortly before WWII, the home was sold and converted into a rooming house. In 1939 , John G. Prentice purchased the house, and in the 1950’s the basement “rec room” was finished in an incredible showcase of Canfor’s products. The house has seen minor changes since it was built, the largest renovation being the replacement on the west façade of a single storey, open granite porch (which originally balanced the porte cochere on the east side) with an indoor swimming pool addition by Arthur Erickson in 1963. The house has been lovingly cared for since this time, but the bedroom floors remain concealed under carpet as they bear evidence of the damage sustained when the house was suite-ed in the 1930’s. It is sad to note that the house was originally one of a pair; an exact match once stood across the street at 1538 Matthews Avenue. Unfortunately, 1538 Matthews Avenue was demolished in the 1960’s to facilitate subdivision of the property.


At Home with History, Eve Lazarus (P.92), VHF 2004 House Tour brochure


M.P. Cotton House


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