1603 E 13th Ave


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Gina Gverster


1603 E 13th Ave, Vancouver BC


Kensington-Cedar Cottage




In 1910, two building permits for frame dwellings were filed for1603 East 13th Avenue. One was to be built by George C. Ossinger, while the other was to be built by James Ball. The address first appears in city directories in 1911,with Alfred J. Os[s]inger listed as the resident. Alfred, a carpenter, lived at the house from 1911-1912.

David Sutherland, a grocer of dry goods lived at the house from 1913 until his death in ~1947/1948. His widow, Margaret remained at the house until 1954.

The house is in the gabled vernacular style, the most common surviving house style of old Vancouver.


Vancouver Building Permits, British Columbia City Directories 1860-1955, VanMapp, VHF House Styles Hub


1603 E 13th Ave


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