1631 Dunbar St, Vancouver BC


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Steve Hodder


1631 Dunbar St, Vancouver BC






Heritage Conservation Grant 2021


1631 Dunbar St was built in 1912 by the building contracting firm S. W. Hopper Ltd., run by Ontario born Samuel Wellington Hopper. It was built at the same time as 1641 Dunbar St next door, each costing $7000. In addition to these houses, Hopper also built the entire block of Dunbar between 1st and 2nd Avenues from 1911-1912, all impressive craftsman style homes, with slightly different designs and all painted different colours. There are at least fifteen of Hopper’s houses on the register, and another five that have been maintained, but are not currently on the register.

1631 Dunbar is a good example of a Craftsman style home with its prominent gabled roof and dormers with knee-brackets, full-width integral porch, and square post porch with stone piers. The cedar shingle siding is typical, while the stone foundation, as well as the upper bay window, makes this house a more elaborate version of a Craftsman. Also interesting on this house is the front-gables, which have a more elaborate design than typical half timbering. Since the 1980s, an upper level porch has been added.


British Columbia City Directories, Historical Vancouver Building Permit. Vancouver Heritage Register


1631 Dunbar St, Vancouver BC


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