Marshall Smith Residence



1685 Nelson St, Vancouver BC


West End




Built in 1908, the Marshall Smith Residence is one of a few surviving large residences in the West End neighbourhood. With the advent of water and sewer service in the 1890s, the West End developed into a mixture of large mansions and upper-middle class homes.

The Marshall Smith residence, built by a prominent Ladner merchant turned real estate speculator, is valued as a representative example of this early development pattern and as an example of speculation-driven subdivision in response to the pre-WWI property boom, where upon its purchase by Smith, the lot was subdivided into three parcels, one for his residence and two for sale. As Smith moved to Shaughnessy in 1912, subsequent owners, maintained the home as a single-family residence until the 1940s. The home was then sold and converted to a rooming house in response to the severe housing shortage of WWII.

The home’s restoration in the early 2000s reflecting a renewed interest in the neighbourhood’s surviving heritage buildings provides additional heritage value.


City of Vancouver


Marshall Smith Residence


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