Unitel Building


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Olivia Golden


175 W Cordova St, Vancouver BC





Protection & Recognition

  • M: Municipal Protection


The Unitel Building, also know as the Canadian Pacific Telecommunications Building, is one of the few modern buildings in Gastown. Built in 1969 and designed by architect Francis Donaldson, it is one of the structures for Project 200, and an example of bold New Formalist architecture.

Project 200 was a massive urban renewal scheme in the 1960s aimed at replacing the older buildings with modern structures. It would have demolished almost everything north of Cordova, from Abbott to Howe, with a freeway through the area and along the waterfront.

The project was eventually scrapped in favour of restoring the older buildings to preserve the historic area. This building is one of the few Project 200 structures built before the project was scrapped.


Exploring Vancouver, The Architectural Guide by Harold Kalman & Robin Ward, Pricetags blog, Rangelands


Unitel Building


Directions in Google Maps


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