178 E King Edward Ave, Vancouver BC
Riley Park
First listed in 1912 as 178, this address then disappeared in the directories in 1914. It returns in 1915 listed as 174 and then once again as 178 in 1930.
The first owner listed in 1912 was Mrs Margaret Harrison a widow to Frank. The first owner in 1915 under the 174 address was a Mr. Forester who was in active service. He is believed to be Brice Forester who was born on June 19, 1891 and passed away on June 13, 1916 defending the Ypres Salient. Brice’s parents were Graham and Mary Hamilton Forester of 2466 Fifth Avenue West Vancouver and were native of Victoria, British Columbia. Mr. Forester was listed under this address for only one year until his death in 1916. Brice is buried in Menin Gate (Ypres) Memorial in Belgium.
Other owners include Other owners include Mr. McNab who was a salesman at Kelly Douglas, a grocery distributor in Vancouver that was founded in 1896 and was a subsidiary of Loblaws and Mr. Hall, who resided at the home during WWII and was a ship caulker for Sterling Shipyards
House description: Gabled Vernacular – Full width covered porch with 3 posts, front staircase and front door on left side with a lovely stained glass leaded window also to the left of the door. Bay windows on main floor and 2 double hung windows above. Gable roof with a fish scale and diamond shape shingles at the top, and shiplap cladding. Decorative elements at the end of the roof trim.
VanMapp, British Columbia City Directories 1860-1955, permits database, veterans canada
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