1841 Stephens St


Claudia von der Heyde 2018
Photo Credit: Claudia von der Heyde


1841 Stephens St, Vancouver BC






Along with 1829, 1835, and 1847 Stephens Street, 1841 Stephens Street was built in 1911 by Dougall A. Acorn. 1841 Stephens Street first appears in city directories in 1912, with Harry Cowan listed as the resident. Cowan worked at Cowan and Brookhouse (Printing and Publishing). Harry Cowan and Arthur Brookhouse ran the business together until Harry’s death in 1915. The business continued to operate until 1925. Harry lived at 1841 Stephens Street from 1912 until his death in 1915. His wife Carrie, who went on to work at Cowan and Brookhouse, remained at the house until 1920.

After Mrs. Cowan left, the following resident was Harold J. Hobson who worked at Marshall Wells, and eventually went on to be the proprietor of Hobson Home Wares. Harold lived at the house from 1922 until 1931. After Harold, the house saw several short-term residents, including a jeweler, an office manager, a plumber, a switchman for CNR, and a clerk for the Cecil Hotel.


VHF Files, Vancouver Building Permits, Van as it was, British Columbia City Directories 1865-1955


1841 Stephens St


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