2003 Graveley St


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Gina Gverster


2003 Graveley St, Vancouver BC






Built around 1928, 2003 Graveley Street first appears in city directories in 1929 with John W. Jones listed as the first resident. The house saw relatively few residents, with the longest term resident prior to 1955 being James and Kathleen Dickinson, who lived at the house from 1939 until 1954. James was a labourer for BC Sugar, and later a waiter at the St. Regis Hotel.

The house at 2003 Graveley Street is an example of the Interwar Arts and Crafts style. Interwar Arts and Craft houses mostly feature jerkinhead roofs and often on a side gable. They may have a projecting bay (also with a jerkinhead roof) facing the street, half-timbering, and windows often set in threes. They tend to be smaller than the pre-war Arts and Crafts Homes.


British Columbia City Directories 1860-1955, VanMapp, VHF House Styles Hub


2003 Graveley St


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