Byrnes Block - Alhambra Hotel


203-221 Carrall St. Credit: Bob Hare
Photo Credit: Bob Hare


203-221 Carrall St, Vancouver BC





Protection & Recognition

  • M: Municipal Protection


The Byrnes Block (formerly the Alhambra Hotel) was opened by George Byrnes, a colourful former sheriff of Barkerville. The building was once the cornerstone of Maple Tree Square, the meeting place for citizens of the growing metropolis of Granville. The Alhambra Hotel was designed by E.H. Fisher.

Completed in 1887, it was one of Vancouver’s first brick buildings. Cast iron was introduced to construction in order to support the added weight of brick and stone.

The Alhambra Hotel had ornate window pediments, top floor pilasters, a decorated cornice. There was a chimney pot for every room and two outdoor privies in the back alley. The hotel was so baroque and swanky it dared charge over a dollar a night!


Canada's Historic Places, Vancouver Heritage Inventory Phase II 1986 Summary Report, VHF's Historic Map Guide of Carrall St Greenway


Byrnes Block - Alhambra Hotel


Directions in Google Maps


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