Rio Vista


Rio Vista at 2170 SW Marine Dr., 1985. Source: City of Vancouver Archives791-1185, 1985
Photo Credit: COV Archives CVA 791-1185, 1985


2170 SW Marine Dr, Vancouver BC






Rio Vista was designed by architect Bernard Palmer in 1930 for Henry Frederick “Harry” Reifel.

It was built in a Spanish Colonial Revival style featuring ornamental wrought iron gates, numerous arched doors and casement windows with muntin bars, gardens surrounded by stucco walls, and low-pitched roofs with red tiles. It is completed with an immense conservatory and “Pompeiian” two-storey pool house. The pool house is not visible from the street and connects to the house by a cement bridge; its roof has ornate glass and wrought iron work, and an ornate railing around an upper walkway.

Currently unable to get a photo due to gates. Please contact VHF to submit a photo of the house.


Harrold Kalman & Robin Ward's Exploring Vancouver: The Architectural Guide (2012 &1993)


Rio Vista


Directions in Google Maps


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