Arbutus Grocery


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Ed Biggs


2200 Arbutus St, Vancouver BC






The former Arbutus Grocery is a simple gabled wooden building with a square boomtown front. The grocery was the focus of Kitsilano’s Delamont Park neighbourhood.

In 1905, the B.C. Electric Railway started a interurban line to Steveston along the adjacent C.P.R. tracks. The railway stimulated the development of this area. Thomas Frazer, who had lived next door since 1901, built the grocery in 1907 as the Eureka Grocery.

In the 1960s, the city bought the grocery and houses on 5th and 6th Avenues for demolition along the proposed route of the Burrard-Arbutus Corridor, an arterial roadway planned for the old interurban right-of-way that did not proceed.

Arbutus Grocery is recognized by VHF’s Places that Matter Plaque Project.


VHF's Places the Matter Plaque program, Exploring Vancouver, The Architectural Guide. Harold Kalman and Robin Ward


Arbutus Grocery


Directions in Google Maps


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