Blair House


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Barry Bogart


2356-2358 W 5th Ave, Vancouver, BC





Protection & Recognition

  • M: Municipal Protection


The Blair House’ was built in 1910 during the Edwardian-era building boom in Vancouver prior to the First World War for its first owner, H.B. Blair. The house is valued for its aesthetic and architectural features which are rooted in the Arts and Crafts tradition.

‘The Blair House’ is also valued for its association with the architectural firm Gamble and Knapp who designed the building. The firm was only active in Vancouver from 1910 to 1913 but designed some of Vancouver’s most distinctive houses, including ‘The Hollies’ and ‘The Macauley House’ in the Shaughnessy neighbourhood.

The house is also part of a streetscape of similar craftsman houses located on the south side of the 2300 Block of West 5th Avenue, of which five are listed on the Vancouver Heritage Register.


City of Vancouver


Blair House


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