Bergquist House


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Cassandra Sclauzero


2439 Eton St, Vancouver BC






VHF Restore It 2004, 2007

Protection & Recognition

  • M: Municipal Protection


Andrew Bergquist built 2439 Eton as his own home in 1911 for $2500. It is a fine and representative example of the smaller ” Craftsman” Style house in Vancouver.

Simple, gable-end massing is enhanced with the asymmetrical placement of the bay window within the front verandah recess. Materials (horizontal siding to the basement, painted shingle to the remainder of the house) are typical of this style.

An elaborate level of detail including dentilled barge boards, decorative brackets, bay windows, stained glass, and a distinctive, curved balcony recess to the second floor, distinguishes this house from more conventional examples.

Bergquist also built several other local building, such as 2457 and 2487 Eton, and an apartment building at 2598 Eton built in 1911.

2439 Eton Street was a stop on the 2007 VHF Open Vancouver Heritage House Tour.


Vancouver Heritage Foundation, VHF Files, Vancouver Building Permits, Vancouver Heritage Foundation 2007 Heritage House Tour Brochure


Bergquist House


Directions in Google Maps


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