25 W 11th Ave


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Ryan Jones


25 W 11th Ave Vancouver BC


Mount Pleasant




This house was built in 1908 in the Early Vernacular style. It belongs to an original cluster of seven wood frame houses on the same block, of which six remain, and mirrors the image of the adjacent house, 31 W 11th Avenue. The first recorded owner of the property appears in 1910 as Gideon Bower. Mr. Bower would have been in his late forties when he took ownership of this house and was working as a lumberman at the time. He lived here for fifteen years before moving to a nearby residence on 15th Avenue. Together with the surviving members of its cluster, this house contributes to the turn of the century character on this block in Mount Pleasant.


Henderson’s City of Vancouver Directory, Heritage Register Files


25 W 11th Ave


Directions in Google Maps


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