2640 Oxford St


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Cassandra Sclauzero


2640 Oxford St, Vancouver BC






True Colours 1999

Protection & Recognition

  • M: Municipal Protection


2640 Oxford Street is listed in the ‘C’ category on the Vancouver Heritage Register. This one and a half story house constitutes part of a cluster of Craftsman-style homes built along Oxford Street in 1918, after Hastings townsite became amalgamated into the City of Vancouver during the war-years.

Built by E.W. Barrett, and tightly placed on a small yard, the “C” classified building is a front-gabled sub-type of the Craftsman style so popular in Vancouver during the first two decades of the twentieth century. 2640 Oxford Street features a low-pitched gable roof with a full-width porch sheltered under the main roof. A cornice with dentil banding separates the Tudor-inspired half-timbering on the gable end and the supporting sloped (battered) columns that sit atop of shingled piers. A wooden balustrade spans the space between the piers. It is a good example of the modest buildings erected after the 1913-1915 depression precipitated by World War One.

In 1999, the house was repainted in heritage colours with the assistance of a VHF True Colours grant.


City of Vancouver, VHF Files


2640 Oxford St


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