2732 Ontario St, Vancouver BC
Mount Pleasant
2732 Ontario and its “twin” 2740 Ontario are Early Craftsman homes that share the same lot with a third and older house, 2744 Ontario. In 1910, James Howard Spurr, the owner of 2744 Ontario, arranged for these two houses to be built on the lot.
The first occupant of 2740 Ontario was Frederick Murray in 1910. 2732 Ontario was occupied the following year by John Eymundson, who like Spurr, worked for BC Electric Railway, the company that ran the streetcar and interurban lines. Mount Pleasant, was a transportation hub in the 1900s and was home to many streetcar barns. As a result, there were many streetcar operators who lived in this neighbourhood.
The occupants of 2732 Ontario & 2740 Ontario changed quite frequently, many staying for only a year. The occupations of the past residents of these homes are indicative of the varied skills contributing to this growing city, including: toolmaker, shipwright, machinist, miner, millwright, salesman, electrical engineer, driver, upholsterer, candymaker, hospital clerks and an elevator starter for the Marine Building!
VPL Online Directory, VanMap, Heritage Register Files, Building Permits Online Database
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