2744 Ontario St


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Gina Gverster


2744 Ontario St, Vancouver BC


Mount Pleasant




2744 Ontario was built in the 1890s and is an example of a “worker or pioneer cottage”. The Pioneer style was used between 1886-1910 and was simple in design, often consisting of side gables and being one room deep.

One of the early owners was James Howard Spurr who lived here from the early 1900s to the 1930s. It was Spurr who had the other two homes on this lot built – 2732 Ontario and 2740 Ontario. Spurr was a motorman who also worked for the BC Electric Railway, the company which ran the streetcar and interurban lines.

This area of Mount Pleasant was a transportation hub in the 1900s and was home to many streetcar barns. As a result, there were many streetcar operators who lived in the neighbourhood, including in these homes.


2744 Ontario St


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