Logan House


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Kelly Borget


2856 W 3rd Ave, Vancouver, BC





Protection & Recognition

  • M: Municipal Protection


The house at 2856 West 3rd Avenue was built in 1924 for Robert Logan and is a good example of craftsman housing constructed just after the First World War. It is also part of an historic streetscape with four other similar houses (2850 to 2876 West 3rd Avenue).

Although the Logan House has been modified in recent years, including the removal of some original windows, a number of original features survive including wood siding, stained glass windows, the front door assembly (including an original letter slot, door knob, keyhole set, and front door bell) as well as tapered wood columns and crowns on the front porch.

Despite having been built for Robert Logan, he does not appear to have ever actually lived there.

The house first appears in the register in 1925, with the first listed resident being Michael M. Greabes. In 1926-24, the resident is listed as Caleb. B. Mansell, a dentist. In 1928, Charles A. Sutherland, a reporter for the Province was listed as the resident.

2856 West 3rd Avenue entered into a Heritage Revitalization Agreement with the City of Vancouver in 2014.


City of Vancouver, British Columbia City Directories 1860-1955


Logan House


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