Runkle Block


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Olivia Golden


289 Abbott St, Vancouver BC 101 W Cordova





Protection & Recognition

  • M: Municipal Protection


The Runkle Block is a four storey Edwardian era building constructed in 1911 at the corner of W Cordova and Abbott Street.

The building is significant as an early design in Vancouver by architects Sharp and Thompson, who had established their Vancouver practice in 1911. The Runkle Block is a fine example of their commercial design work. The building is faced in brick with precast concrete trim. There is sophisticated ornamentation — the decorative cartouches on the main facades include the initials of the original owner, J.C. Runkle.

The Runkle Block illustrates the expansion of Gastown’s economic activities beyond warehousing and hotel accommodation into general commerce. The upper floors have also served at various times as hotel accommodation and lodging rooms, indicating the flexibility of use that was determined by changing economic conditions.


Canada's Historic Places


Runkle Block


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