Rollerland Building


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Christine Leviczky Riek


2901 E Hastings St




Mixed Use


The Rollerland Building, formerly the Women’s Building, and before that the Industrial Building, unwittingly changed its name to reflect the times. Christened as the Industrial Building it first opened in 1936, it shortly became home to the fair’s Women’s Exhibit, featuring booths and competitions for canning, sewing needlecraft and arts and crafts. The exhibit dates back to the Vancouver Exhibition’s first year in 1910.

Like, the rest of the fairgrounds complex it would play a dark role during the war as a staging ground for the 8,000 Japanese Canadians deported from the city to the interior. In the decades after the war, with the concept of “women’s work” an awkward anachronism, it was converted into a Rollerland, a ubiquitous trend in the 1970s, and then into an all-purpose space.

It’s currently used for concerts and conventions.


Coasters Enthusiasts of Canada (Closed Canadian Parks, Happyland)


Rollerland Building


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