2910 W 3rd Ave


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Brian Kipp


2910 W 3rd Ave, Vancouver, BC






Circa 1911, this traditional Vancouver Craftsman home retains many of its original features. The home has the full width front porch and oversized front door that are common to this housing style, as well as brackets holding the roof, shake cladding on the upper story, and walls that curve in towards the centre window on the upper floor. At the time of construction, it was valued at $6000.

The house is important to the character of the neighbourhood because it and the eight other heritage properties on the block create a heritage streetscape.

Thomas E. Parke, a barrister at MacNeill, Bird, MacDonald and Darling initially occupied this house. The longest residents on record were a Mr. Henry Mudge, who was retired, and his wife Mrs. Helena (ne. Bennett) Mudge. They lived there from 1926 until at least 1954.

Story Submission:

Henry Mudge was born in Devon, United Kingdom, in 1862. Originally, Henry emigrated to Nebraska in 1887 where he married Helena Bennett two years later. They worked as farmers and had five children. Upon retirement from farming, they moved to 2910 W 3rd Ave. in Vancouver around 1926. Their daughter, Betty, married John Hoare in 1935 and all four lived together until Henry's passing in 1936. Helena continued to live in the house until her death in 1960. Information researched and recounted by relative Richard Mudge.


Henderson’s Greater Vancouver Directory 1913-1954, Wrigley’s British Columbia Directory 1926, Online Permits databases,


2910 W 3rd Ave


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