Callister Block


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Christine Leviczky Riek


30-34 W Cordova St, Vancouver BC





Protection & Recognition

  • M: Municipal Protection


The Callister Block, built in 1891, is typical of the two- and three-storey late nineteenth-century Italianate style structures built for the many firms that serviced the growing population of the area. From its earliest days home to established and prominent furniture-making firms owned by Jacob Sehl, James Hastie, and P. Erskine. They combined forces in that year to form the company of Sehl-Hastie-Erskine Furniture Co. Ltd.

By 1898 the furniture business had been replaced by a dry goods and clothing store, evidence of the transitional nature of the neighbourhood commerce. James Stark’s dry goods business continued to operate here until the business moved to Hastings Street in 1909. More like a department store, it was described as “a large and well-appointed establishment, splendidly equipped in its various departments.” 

The Apostolic Faith Mission occupied the building from 1913 until around 1935. Later, The Army & Navy Store purchased the building for storage in 1960.


Canada's Historic Places, Changing Vancouver blog


Callister Block


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