Muller House


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Kelly Borget


3091 W 3rd Ave, Vancouver, BC





Protection & Recognition

  • M: Municipal Protection


Built in 1926 by the California Bungalow Company, the house is a good example of the Storybook Cottage style which became popular after the First World War. The overall design of the Muller House is meant to give the impression of a quaint English cottage. Details include its jerkin headed (or clipped gable) roof structure, a tall bay window on the east side, bell-cast front entryway with exaggerated triangular bracket support, and small, bell-cast hipped dormers.

The house first appears in directories in 1928, with the resident listed as William Grundy, a salesman. Grundy remained at the house until 1930. In 1931, the resident is listed as Alfred E. Kennedy and Georgina Kennedy. Alfred died between 1943-1944, and his widow Georgina remained in the house until ~1944-1945


City of Vancouver, British Columbia City Directories 1860-1955


Muller House


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