Juno Miller House


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Ed Biggs


3171 W 5th Ave, Vancouver BC





Protection & Recognition

  • M: Municipal Protection


Building permits for this Craftsman Bungalow home were issued to owner, architect and builder Fred Melton in 1920. The building was valued at $4750 and the first resident is listed as Juno Miller, piano store director of Millers Piano House, 825 West Georgia St.

The heritage building was built in as part of a larger speculative venture along the 2900 to 3100 blocks of West 5th Avenue.

This part of Kitsilano features a large number of intact Craftsman Bungalow houses of varying design details with the common full-width porch and a low-profile front-gabled roof line.

This house features clinker brick porch columns and chimney, a large front window with leaded glass transom, and decorative brackets and a shed roof set above an attic window in the gable.


Online permit databases, VPL online directories, Henderson’s Greater Vancouver Directory


Juno Miller House


Directions in Google Maps


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