B.C. Permanent Building


B.C. Permanent Building at 330 W Pender Street. Credit: Marty Boechler
Photo Credit: Marty Boechler


330 W Pender St, Vancouver BC





Protection & Recognition

  • M: Municipal Protection


This neoclassical temple bank was constructed in 1907 to house the BC Permanent Loan Company. The building was the Vancouver branch of the Bank of Canada between 1935-1966.

The building was designed by leading architectural firm, Hooper and Watkins. Thomas Hooper (1857-1935) and C. Elwood Watkins (1875-1942) were two of the most important early architects in British Columbia, with architectural offices in Vancouver and Victoria, and were responsible for numerous landmark projects throughout the province.

In 2013, the building was restored by Eric Cohen and Yosef Wosk. The building’s use of high quality materials, inside and out, was retained; sandstone cladding, reinforced concrete, marble wall treatment, and stained glass windows. In 2015/2016, the building became an event space, The Permanent.


Vancouver Sun 2015 article, Historic Places Canada


B.C. Permanent Building


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