3575 Mayfair Ave


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Anjela Godber


3575 Mayfair Ave, Vancouver BC






3575 Mayfair Avenue is one of the earliest houses built in Dunbar-Southlands possibly constructed around 1906. It was built in a gabled vernacular style with a full second storey porch. Vernacular-style homes were common on the east side of Vancouver at the time but this style stands out among the craftsman and storybook homes common to Dunbar-Southlands. Some original stained leaded glass appears to have survived on the front lower window and several posts are decorated with simple brackets.

This house first appears in the 1923 city directory as 3573 38th Avenue South under resident Richard H. Crichton, a mining engineer. City directories then indicate this home sat vacant for several years until the 1930s.

Mayfair Avenue, known earlier as 38th Ave South, is unique, being one of the earliest settled streets in this area. It spans from Dunbar to Blenheim Street, between West 38th and 39th. Some other pre-1911 homes still stand on the street, for instance 3581 and 3547 Mayfair Ave, and the Morrisette farmhouse which was originally located on a 10-acre parcel. As indicated on the 1912 Fire Insurance Map, a total of seven homes were built on Mayfair Avenue at the time.


Heritage Vancouver Building Permits Database, VPL British Columbia City Directories 1860-1955, VanMap


3575 Mayfair Ave


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