3699 Ash St


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Ed Biggs


3699 Ash St, Vancouver BC


South Cambie



Protection & Recognition

  • M: Municipal Protection


The house at 3699 Ash Street was completed in 1912, by Harold O. Hatt, a contractor, and it is a good example of the Craftsman style.

Some of the more notable design features include an unusual roof configuration of a side gable with full length shed dormers, symmetrical composition with a full width front porch, paired porch columns, decorative brackets, some leaded glass windows and exterior cladding of wood shingles and siding.

The building is one of a pair of houses, of comparable age and design, which form a special streetscape in the Douglas Park area.

In 1998, Birmingham & Wood received a City of Vancouver Heritage Award for the rehabilitation of 3699 Ash Street, Vancouver.


City of Vancouver Heritage Plaque Program


3699 Ash St


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