3818 W 23rd Ave


Vancouver Heritage Site Finder
Photo Credit: Barry Bogart


3818 W 23rd Ave, Vancouver BC






Built in 1913 by Howland & Newirth, the house at 3818 W 23rd Avenue is just one of several buildings in Vancouver designed by architect Hugh A. Hodgson. Hodgson was also responsible for the Cotton Building at East Hastings and the Olympia Theatre (as Hodgson & Simmonds). 3818 W 23rd Avenue is on the Vancouver Heritage Register, categorized as being of B-level significance.

The house first appears in city directories, as 3818 Laurier Avenue, in 1917, with Donald Smith listed as the resident. The building permit (from 1913) also lists (Mrs.) Donald Smith as the owner. Smith, a barrister/solicitor, lived in the house until his death in ~1930. His widow, Margaret, remained at the house until 1934.

The house shows up in directories as 3818 West 23rd Avenue from 1921


Vancouver Building Permits, Biographical Dictionary of Architects in Canada 1800-1950, British Columbia City Directories 1860-1955


3818 W 23rd Ave


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